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Isaac Yuen
Portrait of Isaac Yuen

Isaac Yuen’s fiction and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Newfound, Orion, Pleiades, AGNI, Shenandoah, The Willowherb Review, Tin House Online, and elsewhere. A first-generation Hong Kong Canadian, he was a 2019 writer-in-residence at the Jan Michalski Foundation for Literature in Montricher, Switzerland. (updated 10/2021)

Yuen’s AGNI essay “Utter, Earth” received a Pushcart Prize and is reprinted in the 2023 anthology.

Read “The Power in Naming and Not Naming: Three Questions with Isaac Yuen” on AGNI’s blog.

AGNI has published the following work:

Utter, Earth
AGNI 94 Print Only
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