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Guy Goffette
Portrait of Guy Goffette

Guy Goffette is the author of six books of poems, the most recent of which, Un manteau de fortune (Gallimard 2001), received the Grand Prix de Poésie de l’Académie Française for that year. He is also the author of_ Elle, par bonheur et toujours nue_, an imaginative essay/memoir about Bonnard, and Verlaine d’ardoise et de pluie, a similarly idiosyncratic book on Verlaine. He received the Grand Prix de Poésie de la Société des Gens de Lettres in 1999 for the totality of his work. Other poems of his, in Marilyn Hacker’s translation, have appeared in _The Paris Review, _AGNIThe New England Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Kenyon Review, TriQuarterly, New Letters, Barrow StreetPN Review, and Poetry London (England). (updated 2005)

AGNI has published the following work:

Blue Gold
by Guy Goffette
Translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker
The Veil of Ether
by Guy Goffette
Translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker
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