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Chad Davidson
Portrait of Chad Davidson

Chad Davidson is the author of From the Fire Hills (2014), The Last Predicta (2008), and Consolation Miracle (2003), all three from Southern Illinois University Press, as well as co-author with Gregory Fraser of two textbooks, including Writing Poetry: Creative and Critical Approaches (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). His poems have appeared in Doubletake, The Paris Review, AGNI, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Virginia Quarterly Review, and others. He is professor of literature and creative writing at the University of West Georgia near Atlanta and co-directs Convivio, a writing conference in Umbria, Italy. (updated 10/2017)

AGNI has published the following work:

The Minor Castles of Ireland
AGNI 75Print Only
Mutatis Mutandis
AGNI 86Print Only
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