Alex Stein

Alex Stein is an essayist, aphorist, and illustrator whose books include Made-Up Interviews With Imaginary Artists (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2009), a collection of interviews, interview fictions, and essays on the art of the interview; Weird Emptiness: Essays and Aphorisms (Wings Press, 2007); and The Life and Art of Josan (Wade Rosen Publishing), a collection of aphorisms and drawings. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, and works at the University of Colorado’s Norlin Library. (updated 10/2010)
His AGNI Online interview “The Prayer of Attention: A Conversation with Yahi Lababidi” was excerpted in Harper’s Magazine’s “Links” for April 21, 2010.
AGNI has published the following work:
The Prayer of Attention: A Conversation with Yahia Lababidi by Alex Stein