Privacy Policy
AGNI and your privacyCookies & Google AnalyticsEmail addressesStreet addresses
AGNI and your privacy#agni-and-your-privacy
AGNI Online is a free webmagazine of new fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, and interviews. We do not ask readers to register or otherwise announce themselves. If you use our online submission system, sign up for the newsletter, or place an order, your browser must be configured to accept cookies and allow popup windows.
AGNI is committed to keeping your personal data safe and maintaining trust in our website, our print edition, and the other services we provide.
Cookies & Google Analytics#cookies-and-google-analytics
Cookies are small pieces of data that can be used to collect information about browsing and purchasing behavior on websites.
AGNI uses cookies in conjunction with Google Analytics to analyze user behavior—in a bid to make your experience better. The information in Google Analytics is anonymized and we do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.
Email addresses#email-addresses
We collect email addresses for our newsletter, our events list, and for business communications with our customers and submitters. If you place an order, submit your writing to the magazine, or sign up for one of our email groups, we promise that the email address you give us will never be shared with any other organization.
You can unsubscribe from our events list or our newsletter at any time.
We will securely store your details on the AGNI system - powered by Boston University and our vendor - for a maximum of 10 years before contacting you to see whether you’d still like to receive mailings from us.
Street addresses#street-addresses
If you subscribe to the print magazine, order single copies, donate, submit a manuscript, or buy limited edition broadsides or art, we collect your street address. From time to time, we offer these street addresses to other publishers and literary groups—for instance, Poets & Writers and the Academy of American Poets. You can opt out of such offers by sending us a message.
Credit-card orders placed at AGNI Online are completely secure. For payment, you are briefly redirected to Boston University’s system—powered by Nelnet. The proceeds, however, come entirely to us at the magazine.
AGNI does not share financial information with any company.
AGNI Online is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, including those we link to. This policy applies only to information collected at AGNI Online.