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Home > Poetry >  Fiddler Crabs

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

Fiddler Crabs

The live ones
quick, pop out
of sand holes of their own

They dig (and
when the sand
is wet) roll sand balls
into piles, a semi-circle
around their hole-door.

In the same way

it’s a ghostly thing, really,
the way they blow
end over end, lightweight
and dead.

Portrait of Emily Scudder

Emily Scudder has published two poetry collections, Feeding Time (Pecan Grove Press, 2011) and A Change of Pace(Finishing Line Press, 2007), and a chapbook,_ Natural Instincts_ (Finishing Line Press, 2008). Her poems have appeared in AGNI Online, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Jabberwock Review,, Harvard Review, and elsewhere. She received a master’s degree in theological studies from Harvard Divinity School and works as a library assistant and an activist in the Harvard Union of Clerical & Technical Workers. She lives with her husband and two children in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (updated 7/2011)

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