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Translated from the Romanian by Sean Cotter

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

Always Waiting for the Train

Translated from the Romanian by Sean Cotter


I am waiting for the train
The lazy freight from Lewisburg.
The iron lines run
right through my backyard
One hundred percent American.
Its cars are like
the alphabet book I had as a child
full of little pockets
stuffed with letters.

I was waiting for the train to pass.
I adored the passion of its long whistle
during the nights of frosted windows
or those born in battalions of crickets
in my Carpathian town.
And when no train passed,
I imagined
the most beautiful train in the world.

I’ve always waited for a train,
a desert caravan
a meadow blanketed in tears

Or hills rolling through Moldova
when we were children asleep
one hand under our heads, the other in the stars.


Lewisburg, the Poet’s Cottage, 8. 21. 2003


Liliana Ursu is a poet, prose writer, and translator with eighteen books published in Romania. Her work has been translated into many languages, including four books in English. She lives in Bucharest, teaching courses in poetry and creative writing, producing occasional radio programs for România culturala, and writing. She has received two Fulbright grants and taught creative writing at the University of Louisville and at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. (4/2009)

Sean Cotter has translated several books from Romanian, including Liliana Ursu’s Goldsmith Market (2003) and Lightwall (forthcoming in June 2009). He is a professor of literature and translation studies at The University of Texas at Dallas, where he is part of the Center for Translation Studies. (4/2009)

Waiting for Hurricane Isabella to Pass
by Liliana Ursu
Translated from the Romanian by Sean Cotter
Piaţa Ovid
by Liliana Ursu
Translated from the Romanian by Sean Cotter
Vanished Qilou Building, Bali
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Portrait of Liliana Ursu

Liliana Ursu is a poet, prose writer, and translator with eighteen books published in Romania. Her work has been translated into many languages, including, in English, Goldsmith Market (Zephyr Press, 2003), Lightwall (Zephyr Press, forthcoming in June 2009), and two other books. She lives in Bucharest, teaching courses in poetry and creative writing, producing occasional radio programs for România culturala, and writing. She has received two Fulbright grants and taught creative writing at the University of Louisville and at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. (updated 4/2009)

Ursu’s Angel Riding a Best (translated by Bruce Weigl and the author) and The Sky Behind the Forest (translated by Adam J. Sorkin, Tess Gallagher, and the author) were reviewed in AGNI 49 by Valerie Duff.

Portrait of Sean Cotter

Sean Cotter has translated several books from Romanian, including Liliana Ursu’s Goldsmith Market (Zephyr Press, forthcoming in June 2009). He is a professor of literature and translation studies at The University of Texas at Dallas, where he is part of the Center for Translation Studies. (updated 4/2009)

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