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Xujun Eberlein
Portrait of Xujun Eberlein

Xujun Eberlein, an immigrant from Chongqing, China, is the author of the story collection Apologies Forthcoming (Livingston Press, 2008), winner of the Tartt Fiction Award. Other honors include an artist fellowship in fiction/creative nonfiction from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Ledge Fiction Award, and recognition in The Best American Essays and The Pushcart Prize. Her work has appeared in American Literary Review, Asia Literary Review, AGNINew England Review, Stand, StoryQuarterly, Walrus, and in several anthologies, such as Chinese Characters: Profiles of Fast-Changing Lives in a Fast-Changing Land. She holds a PhD in Transportation Science from MIT. More information can be found at xujuneberlein.com. (updated 4/2020)

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