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Tomasz Różycki
Portrait of Tomasz Różycki

Tomasz Różycki is a contemporary Polish poet. He is the author of five books of poetry, most recently _Colonies, _and the book-length poem _Twelve Stations, _winner of the Kościelski Prize. His work has been translated into numerous European languages, and _The Forgotten Keys: The Selected Poems of Tomasz Różycki _(translated by Mira Rosenthal) has just been published by Zephyr Press. He has received the Krzysztof Kamiel Baczyński Prize, the Joseph Brodski Prize from Zeszyty Literackie, and has been nominated twice for the Nike Prize, Poland’s most important literary award. He lives in his native city Opole with his wife and two children. (8/2007)

AGNI has published the following work:

Totems and Beads
by Tomasz Różycki
Translated from the Polish by Mira Rosenthal
by Tomasz Różycki
Translated from the Polish by Mira Rosenthal
A Crossing
by Tomasz Różycki
Translated from the Polish by Mira Rosenthal
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