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Sarah Booker
Portrait of Sarah Booker

Sarah Booker is the translator of Mónica Ojeda’s Jawbone (Coffee House Press, 2021) and two books by Cristina Rivera Garza: The Iliac Crest (Feminist Press, 2017; And Other Stories, 2018) and Grieving: Dispatches from a Wounded Country (Feminist Press, 2020). Her translations from Spanish have also been published in such journals as The Paris Review, Asymptote, AGNI, Latin American Literature Today, and 3:AM Magazine. She is a doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a focus on contemporary Latin American narrative and translation studies. (updated 10/2021)

AGNI has published the following translation:

The Men from Esc
by Cristina Rivera Garza
Translated from the Spanish by Sarah Booker
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