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Rafael Alberti
Portrait of Rafael Alberti

Rafael Alberti was born in Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz, Spain, in 1902 and died in the same town on October 28, 1999. For a summary of his life and work, see Louis Bourne’s “Rafael Alberti between the Sword and the Carnation,” in AGNI 52.

AGNI has published the following work:

Going Back to Love in Old Alleys
by Rafael Alberti
Translated from the Spanish by Louis Bourne
AGNI 52Print Only
The Coming Back of Chopin through Hands Now Gone
by Rafael Alberti
Translated from the Spanish by Louis Bourne
AGNI 52Print Only
The Coming Back of School Days
by Rafael Alberti
Translated from the Spanish by Louis Bourne
AGNI 52Print Only
The Coming Back of Paul Eluard
by Rafael Alberti
Translated from the Spanish by Louis Bourne
AGNI 52Print Only
The Coming Back of a Spring Morning
by Rafael Alberti
Translated from the Spanish by Louis Bourne
AGNI 52Print Only
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