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Mikaela Grassl
Portrait of Mikaela Grassl

Mikaela Grassl was born and raised in Sunne, Sweden. She is a graduate of the Torsby Ski Academy (Sweden) and is currently a member if the University of Utah Alpine Ski Team. She is a degree candidate at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

AGNI has published the following translations:

A Page from the Nightbook
by Tomas Tranströmer
Translated from the Swedish by Michael McGriff and Mikaela Grassl
AGNI 65Print Only
In the Kingdom of Insecurity
by Tomas Tranströmer
Translated from the Swedish by Michael McGriff and Mikaela Grassl
AGNI 65Print Only
Landscape with Suns
by Tomas Tranströmer
Translated from the Swedish by Michael McGriff and Mikaela Grassl
From July ’90
by Tomas Tranströmer
Translated from the Swedish by Michael McGriff and Mikaela Grassl
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