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Mary O’Donoghue
Portrait of Mary O’Donoghue

Mary O’Donoghue, an Irish writer living in Boston and Tuscaloosa, Alabama, is senior fiction editor of AGNI and has been part of the editorial team since 2010. Her fiction has appeared in GrantaThe CommonSubtropicsThe Georgia ReviewKenyon ReviewThe Irish TimesStinging FlyDublin Review, and elsewhere. Her short story collection, The Hour After Happy Hour, is published by Stinging Fly Press in 2023. She has published poetry collections with Salmon Poetry and Dedalus Press, and her translations of Irish-language poetry appear in volumes from Cló Iar-Chonnacht, Bloodaxe Books, and Yale University Press. Her novel, Before the House Burns, was published by Lilliput Press in 2010. Her awards and recognition include two Massachusetts Cultural Council fellowships, residencies at Vermont Studio Center and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and an Irish Times prize for short fiction responding to economic crisis. She is professor of English at Babson College in Massachusetts. In 2023 she held the Heimbold Chair of Irish Studies at Villanova University. (updated 6/2023)

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