Credit: Curtis Messer
Lee Herrick, the poet laureate of California, is the author of three books of poems: Scar and Flower (Word Poetry Books, 2018), finalist for the 2020 Northern California Book Award; Gardening Secrets of the Dead (WordTech Editions, 2012); and This Many Miles from Desire (WordTech, 2007). He is also the coeditor of The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit (Orison Books, 2020). His poems can be found on the websites of The Poetry Foundation and The Academy of American Poets and have been anthologized in The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems from the San Francisco Bay Watershed, Indivisible: Poems of Social Justice with a foreword by Common, HERE: Poems for the Planet with a foreword by the Dalai Lama, and Dear America: Letters of Hope, Habitat, Defiance, and Democracy. Herrick serves on the advisory board of Terrain.org and Sixteen Rivers Press. He cofounded LitHop in Fresno, California, and has taught in Qingdao, China, and for Kundiman. (updated 10/2023)
With Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, he coedited Afterlives: An AGNI Portfolio of Asian Adoptee Diaspora Writing.