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Home > About > Our People > Authors >  Kyle McCord
Kyle McCord
Portrait of Kyle McCord

Kyle McCord is the author of six books of poetry, including Magpies in the Valley of Oleanders (Trio House, 2016), Gentle, World, Gentler (Ampersand books, 2015), and You Are Indeed an ElkBut This is Not the Forest You Were Born to Graze (Gold Wake Press, 2014). His work has appeared in Boston ReviewBlackbirdMichigan Quarterly Review, Kenyon ReviewAGNI, and elsewhere. He lives in Des Moines, Iowa, with his wife, the visual artist Lydia Thies. (updated 4/2018)

AGNI has published the following work:

I Consider My Father’s Brain Scan as Jazz Measure
AGNI 87Print Only
My Father Considers His Brain Scan as Lunar Disaster
AGNI 87Print Only
AGNI 81Print Only
Self-Portrait at Twenty-Eight in Iberia
AGNI 81Print Only
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