Homero Aridjis

Homero Aridjis is president of PEN International and the author of twenty-nine books of poetry and prose. Twice the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, he has taught at Columbia University, New York University, and the University of Indiana and has been Mexican ambassador to the Netherlands and Switzerland. Translations of his work into English include the novel 1492: The Life and Times of Juan Canezon of Castille (a 1991 New York Times Notable Book of the Year) and the poetry collections Blue Spaces and Exaltation of Light. Eyes to See Otherwise: Selected Poems of Homero Aridjis, a bilingual anthology, is to be published in England in November 2001 by Carcanet Press and in the U.S. in spring 2002 by New Directions. (updated 2001)
AGNI has published the following work:
Sepharad, 1492 by Homero Aridjis
Translated from the Spanish by Homero Aridjis and George McWhirter
AGNI has published the following translation:
Sepharad, 1492 by Homero Aridjis
Translated from the Spanish by Homero Aridjis and George McWhirter