Home > About > Our People > Authors >  Giulio Mozzi
Giulio Mozzi
Portrait of Giulio Mozzi

Giulio Mozzi has published twenty-one books—as editor, fiction writer, and poet—with presses like Theoria, Einaudi, and Mondadori. His first collection, Questo è il giardino (Theoria 1993, Mondadori 1998, Sironi 2006) won the Premio Mondello; “L’apprendista,” from that collection, appears in Mondadori’s anthology of the top Italian stories of the twentieth century, I racconti italiani del novecento. Open Letter Books will publish This Is the Garden (Elizabeth Harris‘s translation of Questo è il giardino) in 2014. (updated 4/2013)

AGNI has published the following work:

The Apprentice
by Giulio Mozzi
Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris
AGNI 73Print Only
by Giulio Mozzi
Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris
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