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Home > About > Our People > Authors >  Felicia Zamora
Felicia Zamora
Portrait of Felicia Zamora

Photo: Louise Erdeljohn

Felicia Zamora is the author of six poetry collections, including Quotient (Tinderbox Editions, 2022); I Always Carry My Bones (University of Iowa Press, 2021), winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize; Body of Render (Red Hen Press, 2020), winner of the Benjamin Saltman Award; and Of Form & Gather (University of Notre Dame Press, 2017), winner of the Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize. The recipient of a 2022 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award and the 2022 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize from The Georgia Review, she has placed poems in The American Poetry Review, The Best American Poetry 2022, Poetry, AGNI, The Nation, and elsewhere. She is associate professor of poetry at the University of Cincinnati and a poetry editor of Colorado Review. (updated 4/2024)

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Hawk Hymn
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