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Ernesto Cardenal
Portrait of Ernesto Cardenal

Ernesto Cardenal is a Nicaraguan poet, liberation theologian, and Catholic priest. He was a nominee for the 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature and was Nicaragua’s Minister of Culture for nearly a decade. (updated 7/2010)

“Interview with Ernesto Cardenal” conducted by Mary Morris and Richard Falk and translated by Jonathan Cohen appeared in AGNI 23.

AGNI has published the following work:

Vision from the Blue Plane-Window
by Ernesto Cardenal
Translated from the Spanish by Jonathan Cohen
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New Ecology
by Ernesto Cardenal
Translated from the Spanish by Jonathan Cohen
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The Parrots
by Ernesto Cardenal
Translated from the Spanish by Jonathan Cohen
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At the Tomb of the Guerrilla
by Ernesto Cardenal
Translated from the Spanish by Jonathan Cohen
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Founding of the Latin American Association for Human Rights
by Ernesto Cardenal
Translated from the Spanish by Jonathan Cohen
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