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Douglas Bauer
Portrait of Douglas Bauer

Douglas Bauer has published three novels—Dexterity (Owl Books, 1999), The Book of Famous Iowans (Henry Holt & Co., 1998), and The Very Air (Holt, 1997)—and three books of nonfiction: What Happens Next?: Matters of Life and Death (University of Iowa Press, 2013), which won the 2014 PEN/New England Book Award for Nonfiction; Prairie City, Iowa (Iowa, 2008); and The Stuff of Fiction (University of Michigan Press, 2007). His stories and essays have appeared in Esquire, The New York Times Magazine, AGNI, The Atlantic, Harper’s, Sports Illustrated, Tin House, and many other magazines. The recipient of grants in both fiction and creative nonfiction from the National Endowment for the Arts, he lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and teaches literature at Bennington College. (updated 12/2015)

AGNI has published the following work:

After the Fact: Discoveries in the Writing of a Biographical Novel
AGNI 40Print Only
Here Were the Two of Us at Exactly This Moment
AGNI 70Print Only
from The Book of Famous Iowans: Closing Set at the Valencia
AGNI 42Print Only
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