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D. M. de la Perrière
Portrait of D. M. de la Perrière

The recipient of a 2009 Fund for Poetry award, Donna de la Perrière is the author of Saint Erasure, a finalist for the Northern California Booksellers Association’s 2011 Book of the Year Award, and True Crime. Her work has appeared in AGNI, American Letters and Commentary, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Five Fingers Review, New England ReviewBread Loaf Quarterly, New American Writing, Volt, and other journals as well as No Gender: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards and Bay Poetics. De la Perrière curates the Bay Area Poetry Marathon reading series at The Lab in San Francisco. (updated 2018)

AGNI has published the following work:

Occupational Marks and Other Signs
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