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Circe Maia
Portrait of Circe Maia

Circe Maia was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1932, but has lived most of her life in Tacuarembó where she taught philosophy. In 1972, when the military dictatorship took power in Uruguay, police broke into her house in the middle of the night and arrested her husband for supporting the Tupamaros, leaving Maia behind only because she had just given birth to their daughter, an experience she wrote about in her autobiographical novel, Un Viaje a Salto. She is the author of ten books of poetry. Her collected poems, Circe Maia: Obra poética, was published in Uruguay in 2011. The Invisible Bridge/ El puente invisible: Selected Poems of Circe Maia was released this month by University of Pittsburgh Press. AGNI was the first to publish work from this, the first major translation of her poetry and her first book published in the U.S. (updated 10/2015)

AGNI has published the following work:

by Circe Maia
Translated from the Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval
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