Home > Poetry >  Morning Song

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

Morning Song

I will button my shirt wrong.
The whole thing will be
lopsided, and I will walk
to school with one shoulder

higher than the other, like a leaning
tower of book-and-lunch bags.
At Cabrini and Pinehurst
the sidewalk will break into sparkles

like pins and needles—
and I will think of my father’s feet
as he duckwalks to work.
Candystores will be

opening the dark mouths
of their doors; proprietors will be
peering at the taxi-and-baby-carriage
swirl of the street—

and I will think of my father’s face
as he glares at his watch.
I will arrive at my desk always
late; my teacher will purse

her lips and tell me to button
my shirt right—and I will think
of my father’s back as he bends
over his desk like someone
warming himself by a fire.

Portrait of James Reiss

James Reiss is the author of the poetry collection The Breathers, from Ecco Press. Since then, he has published poems in The New Yorker and Esquire. (1975)

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