Home > Poetry > Interior Soliloquy
Published: Fri Jul 1 2011
Diego Isaias Hernández Méndez, Convirtiéndose en characoteles / Sorcerers Changing into Their Animal Forms (detail), 2013, oil on canvas. Arte Maya Tz’utujil Collection.
Interior Soliloquy

In Morocco a fowl or a pigeon may sometimes be seen with a little red bundle
tied to its foot. The bundle contains a charm, and it is believed that if the charm
is kept in constant motion by the bird a corresponding restlessness
is kept in the mind of him or her against whom the charm is directed.

Tied to its foot. The bundle contains a charm, and it is believed that the charm
is in my mind as well. A ceaseless wind, a Meltemi that sets off alarms,
is kept in the mind of him or her against whom the charm is directed.
And prayers will go unanswered or answered—whichever is worse.

In my mind as well! Yes, a ceaseless wind, a Meltemi that sets off alarms.
In Morocco a fowl or pigeon may sometimes be seen with a little red bundle
and prayers will go unanswered or answered—whichever is worse.
All kept in the mind of him or her against whom the charm is directed.

Sarah Paley lives in New York City with her husband and son. Her poems and other writing have appeared in Barrow Street, the Best American Poetry blog, and The New Yorker. (updated 7/2011)

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