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Stephen O’Connor
Portrait of Stephen O’Connor

Stephen O’Connor is the author of two works of fiction, Here Comes Another Lesson and Rescue, and two works of nonfiction, Will My Name Be Shouted Out? and Orphan Trains: The Story of Charles Loring Brace and the Children He Saved and Failed. His short stories have appeared in The New YorkerConjunctionsTriQuarterlyThe Threepenny Review, and New England Review, among many other places. His poetry has been published in PoetryAGNIThe Missouri Review, Green Mountains Review, and elsewhere. His essays and journalism have appeared in The New York Times, DoubleTake, The NationAGNIThe Chicago Tribune, and The Boston Globe. He teaches in the MFA programs of Columbia University and Sarah Lawrence University. For more information, visit www.stephenoconnor.net. (updated 10/2010)

AGNI has published the following work:

Things Just Come
AGNI 72Print Only
Not Yet
AGNI 72Print Only
Milosz’s Choice: An Investigation of Sentimentality
AGNI 66Print Only
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