Natalia Ginzburg

The books of Natalia Ginzburg include the novels Disturbances in the Field (Harper Collins, 1983), Leaving Brooklyn (Houghton Mifflin, 1989), and In the Family Way: An Urban Comedy (William Morrow & Co., 1999) and a memoir, Ruined by Reading (Beacon Press, 1996). Her first collection of poetry, In Solitary, appeared in February 2002 from Sheep Meadow Press. She won the 1991 PEN Renato Poggioli Award for her trnslation from Italian of Liana Millu’s Smoke Over Birkenau, and her translation A Place to Live: Selected Essays by Natalia Ginzburg, will be published in May 2002 by Seven Stories Press. (updated 5/2002)
AGNI has published the following work:
An Invisible Government by Natalia Ginzburg
Translated from the Italian by Lynne Sharon Schwartz
The Great Lady by Natalia Ginzburg
Translated from the Italian by Lynne Sharon Schwartz