Mercè Rodoreda

Mercè Rodoreda (1908–1983), the great Catalan novelist and storywriter, spent a brief but intense period writing poetry. In exile from Spain, and following difficult years in war-torn France, she wrote several sonnet sequences. The experience influenced the development of her narrative style when, after moving to Switzerland, she worked painstakingly on a new novel. Translated as both Time of the Doves and In Diamond Square, La plaça del Diamant (1962) opened the period of her most acclaimed writings and has become a classic of Catalan and Spanish literature. In 1980 she received the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes, Catalan literature’s highest award for lifetime achievement. (updated 4/2024)
AGNI has published the following work:
[Ulysses on Nausicaa's Island] by Mercè Rodoreda
Translated from the Catalan by Rebecca Simpson
AGNI 99Print Only
Ulysses on the Island of Circe by Mercè Rodoreda
Translated from the Catalan by Rebecca Simpson
AGNI 99Print Only