Mensur Demir

Mensur Demir is an architect, muralist, painter, and illustrator. He began as a graffiti artist in Munich in 1996 and has been painting on walls and canvases in Sarajevo since 1998. He teaches architectural design and drawing, and writes essays and reviews for the magazine Oris. With Dževad Karahasan he created a performative drawing show, making a live illustration of a literary reading for the opening of the 2014 culture festival Šta ima!? in Munich. He designed the recently opened War Childhood Museum in Sarajevo. (updated 10/2017)
AGNI has published the following work:
Art Feature
Thought Samples from the Memory of a Drawing Man (essay) by Mensur Demir
Translated from the Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian by Mirza Purić
Art Feature
AGNI 86Print Only