Maureen Alsop, PhD is the author of two full collections of poetry, Apparition Wren (Main Street Rag) and The Diction of Moths (Ghost Road Press, pending). She is also the author of several chapbooks, most recently Luminal Equation in the collection Narwhal (Cannibal Press), the dream and the dream you spoke (Spire Press), and Nightingale Habit (Finishing Line Press). She is the winner of Harpur Palate’s Milton Kessler Memorial Prize for Poetry and The Bitter Oleander‘s Frances Locke Memorial Poetry Award. Her recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in various journals including Blackbird, New Delta Review, Tampa Review, AGNI, Typo, 42 Opus, Drunken Boat, Copper Nickel, and Front Porch Journal. Her website is https://www.apparitionwren.com (updated 6/2009)