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Ogaga Ifowodo
Portrait of Ogaga Ifowodo

Nigerian writer Ogaga Ifowodo has published three prizewinning books of poetry, most recently The Oil Lamp. His poems have appeared widely in anthologies and magazines, including Voices from all Over: Poems with Notes and Activities (Oxford University Press, 2006), The Times Literary SupplementPoetry International, AGNI, and The Massachusetts Review. He holds an MFA and a PhD in English from Cornell University and teaches at Texas State University, San Marcos, where he is at work on a fourth poetry collection and a memoir of his 1987–88 detention by the regime of the late Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha. Excerpts from the memoir have been featured in Gathering Seaweed: African Prison Writing (Heinemann), New Writing 14(Granta Books), and African Writing Online. His AGNI story “The Treasonable Parrot” marks his fiction debut. (updated 10/2010)

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The Treasonable Parrot
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