Karyna McGlynn

Karyna McGlynn is the author of I Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl (Sarabande Books, 2009), winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize, as well as Scorpionica (New Michigan Press, 2007), The 9-Day Queen Gets Lost on Her Way to the Execution (Willow Springs Editions, forthcoming), and Hothouse (Sarabande, forthcoming). Her poems have recently appeared in The Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, West Branch, Seattle Review, and The Academy of American Poet’s Poem-A-Day. McGlynn received an MFA from the University of Michigan and a PhD from the University of Houston, where she served as managing editor of Gulf Coast. Karyna is the 2015–2016 Diane Middlebrook Poetry Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. (updated 11/2015)