Doran Larson is Professor of English & Creative Writing at Hamilton College. Since 2006, he has led the Attica Writer’s Workshop, inside Attica Correctional Facility. He is the founder of the Attica-Genesee Teaching Project, which began delivering college-credit courses inside Attica in January 2011. Larson’s essays on prison writing, prison teaching, and related issues have appeared in Salmagundi, Radical Teacher, AGNI, College Literature, English Language Notes, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. He is the editor of Fourth City: The Prison in America, an in-progress collection of essays on the prison system by currently incarcerated writers across the U.S. and of The Beautiful Prison, a forthcoming collection of essays by academics and incarcerated Americans imagining the prison as a socially constructive institution. Larson has also published two novels, a novella, and over a dozen short stories, as well as literary criticism, travel writing, and opinion.